In nature, MSM can be found in rainwater and fresh fruits and vegetables. The organic sulfur compound is odorless and is a key component in many enzymes, in cartilage and in many other important compounds and structures in the body. Sulfur naturally found in foodstuffs can be destroyed by heat. In the body, sulphur is mainly present in protein-rich tissues.
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is anutrient thatis present inthenormal dietof humans andmost otheranimals.MSMis comprised of34%sulfur,the fourth most abundantmineralin the humanbody.It serves asan important food sourceforbioavailablesulfur,an element thatplays a critical rolein maintaining theintegrityand elasticityof the connective tissueand other tissues.Itis an importantcomponent of proteinsin the body,eg.Asinhair, nails,skinandtendons.
OurImmunystemdepends onsulfur,since manyenzymesandhormonescan only bemadewithsulfur.ThekeyfortheLiveramino acidscontainthesulfurblock.
MSM Healthy joints: astudy overview Severalpre-clinicalandclinicalstudies writes about theeffectivenessofMSM as supporting the musculoskeletal system.Researchs show,thatMSMreducedtheagingprocessinflammatory markers incartilageandprotects their integrity. This was reviewed in random controlled trials with the use of methylsulfonylmethane in cases of knee osteoarthritis by S. Brien, P. Prescott, N. Bashir, H. Lewith and G. Lewith. These showed a significant improvement in pain in the group which was treated, compared to the placebo group.
StanleyW.Jacob,co-authorof a bookto promoteMSM,reported thatMSMwasadministeredat avariety of ailmentsafflictedgroupof more than18,000patients,andall indications arethat thepeople hadlargesulfurdeficienciesin their dailyfood intake. The majority of alternative medical literatures support MSM and say, that we get the low quantity of the methylsulfonylmethane with food - in average eating behaviors we lose these nutrients by food frying, steaming, boiling and pasteurizing.
PremiumQuality:The distilledformofOptiMSM® OptiMSMisthe onlypremiumquality in the market.InOptiMSMin a proprietaryfour-stage distillationprocessheavy metalsandotherimpurities are removed.MSMisa normal, howeverpurified bycrystallization, and may containimpuritiesbecause theimpuritiespresent in the solutioncan be included inthe crystalsin the crystallizationprocess.
Dosage Adults 1 capsule per day with water or with meal.
Ingredients 100% pure OptiMSM® methylsulfonylmethane, cellulose (VegeCaps).
More interesting info Scientific studies with MSM: Methylsulfonylmethane suppresses breast cancer growth by down-regulating STAT3 and STAT5b pathways.